Folks, finally you can now listen to clips from my debut album, Dreams Rising, here! Go to the music page and listen to clips of the tracks we recorded almost a year ago in Rio da Janerio, Brazil.  2013 was an amazing year and I am delighted that Dreams Rising is now available to buy from this website , itunes and Amazon. 

Studying in Rio and recording Dreams Rising last year was one of the best things I have ever done. It was a year of great learning and progression, not only professionally but also personally. I made friends for life and cherish the time I spent with them. I will always be grateful to my professor, Cristina Braga who taught me so much, not just about music, but also about life. She  is one of the most inspiring people I have ever met and her dedication and passion for creating music on the harp continues to inspire me. I hope that there will be more opportunities to return to Brazil and soak in and perform the wonderful music that oozes out of its soul. 
